
DS.js is a bookmarklet that converts any webpage with tabular datasets into an environment to learn basic Data Science programming. More details can be found in our UIST2017 research paper DS.js: Turn Any Webpage into an Example-Centric Live Programming Environment for Learning Data Science.


Simply drag this link to your bookmark bar and you are all set.

DS.js Workflow

Here we show a typical workflow of using DS.js to put lightweight environments under tabular datasets and program inside it.

Detect Tabular Datasets

Simply click on the DS.js bookmarklet to put DS.js environments under csv/tsv links or HTML tables.

GIF Demo Open DS.js

Program with table.js API

Manipulate the parsed datasets with dataframe style programming APIs.

GIF Demo Program with table.js API

Visualize Data

Create visualizations with table.js, which wraps vega APIs.

GIF Demo Visualize Data

Preview from Code to Data or vice versa

Get hints about the usage of table.js APIs with previews.

Code to Data Preivew

Move the editor cursor to a table.js manipulation function and press ⌘ + B to preview its effect.

GIF Demo Code to Data Preview

Data to Code Preview

When the output pane is showing a table, click on any cell to get in-context suggestions on available table.js APIs.

GIF Demo Data to Code Preview

Share your code via URLs

Copy the URL of the webpage with capsulated DS.js code and send it to others to share your work.

GIF Demo Share Code via URLs

table.js APIs

table.js is compiled from src/table.ts TypeScript source file. Here we show some short descriptions on its public APIs.

Function is for …
convert(cast: Function) convert all the elements with a cast function (e.g. parseInt)
converted(cast: Function) functional version of convert
auto_convert() heuristically convert table cell content into numbers (using numeral.js)
read_table_csv_sync(url: string) load .csv file from a remote url in a synchronous manner
read_table_tsv_sync(url: string) load .tsv file from a remote url in a synchronous manner
set(column_or_label, f) mutate the content of a column with a mapping function f
get_element(row, col) get the content of a cell
num_rows() get the number of rows
get_column_names() get all the column labels in an array
num_columns() get the number of columns
get_column(index_or_label) get the content of a column given its index or label
get_columns() get the content of all the columns in an array (of arrays)
get_row(index) get the content of a row in an object given its index
get_rows() get the content all the rows in an array (of objects)
add_rows(rows) add one or more rows to the end of the table
add_column(label, values) add a new column
add_columns(...label_and_vales) add one or more columns
rename_column(label, new_label) change the name of a column
copy_table() get a copy of the current table
select_columns(...column_label_or_labels) get a sub-table of selected columns
drop_columns(...column_label_or_labels) drop one or more columns
where(column_or_label, value_or_predicate) filter rows based on the values of a given column by exactly matching a value or applying a predicate
sort(column_or_label, descending = false) sort all the rows based on the values of a given column
sorted(column_or_label, descending = false) functional version sort
groupby(column_or_label, collect?) aggregate all the rows based on a column, count the occurrence by default
groupsby(columns_or_labels, collect?) aggregate all the rows based on more than one columns, count the occurrence by default
pivot(columns, rows, values, collect?) generate a pivot table
join(column_label, other: Table, other_label?) join with another table based on two columns
summary_statistics() generate a summary table (including min, max, median, sum) of all the columns
percentile(p) get the first p% sorted rows
sample_n_random_rows(k) randomly sample k rows
split(k) split the current table into two: first k rows and the last n - k rows
lineplot(xlabel, ylabel, xtype = 'quantitative') generate a line plot of two columns
barplot(xlabel, ylabel, xtype = 'nominal', ytype = 'quantitative' ) generate a bar plot of two columns
scatterplot(xlabel, ylabel, xtype = 'quantitative') generate a scatter plot of two columns
histogram(column, nbins = 10) generate a histogram of a column
boxplot(xlabel, ylabel) generate a boxplot of two columns

Example Pages

A made-up webpage with example code to show the table.js APIs can be found here.

Build Instructions

We are able to build the system with the following environment: macOS 10.14.5, node 10, webpack 4.

To build the system, in the project root, simply type webpack (after npm install). If everything goes correctly you should be able to find the compiled and bundled js code in the dist/ directory.
